Prof. dr. Roel Vermeulen, scientific director of our institute 4 Preventive Health, has been appointed Distinguished University Professor at Utrecht University as of 15 July. His focus in this role will be on the theme of planetary and preventive health.

How do the environment and climate affect our health and can the negative effects they have on our health be prevented? These are key questions of the planetary and preventive health theme. This topic draws together several areas of expertise: the relationship between human and animal health, the effect of air and chemical pollution on both human and planetary health and the development of sustainable and healthy food systems for the future.

Concerns about planetary health

Concerns about our health and the health of our planet are more pressing than ever according to Vermeulen. “The systems we rely on for our health, such as climate, nature, food and habitat, are increasingly out of balance. This has serious implications for human and planetary health and can lead to an increase in health inequities. Resolving these challenges requires collaboration between researchers and non-scientific groups, for example governments, businesses, citizens’ and advocacy groups. I am very much looking forward to working with such diverse teams to address the various opportunities and challenges in the necessary transitions.”

Sustainable solutions

The biggest challenge here, according to Vermeulen, is to turn ideas – which are often agreed upon – into practical solutions and make them sustainable. “To achieve this, we need to think carefully about what social change we want, and identify what knowledge we lack to make this change happen. This must then be translated into what this means for different groups in society.”

institute 4 Preventive Health

Vermeulen will work on this theme from multiple perspectives, including from his role as Scientific Director of the EWUU institute 4 Preventive Health (i4PH). The i4PH strives for all Dutch people to live in good health for at least five years longer, and to decrease the health differences between the lowest and highest socio-economic groups by 30%. We contribute to this by focusing on transdisciplinary research, education, and community building.

Professor Roel Vermeulen
Roel Vermeulen is Professor of Environmental Epidemiology and Exposome Science at the IRAS. He studies how, and particularly in which combinations, non-genetic factors affect our health – this is also known as the exposome. Nutrition, exercise and exposure to air pollution are of significant importance in the development of diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer. Vermeulen coordinates large-scale (inter)national projects and collaborations to systematically map the exposome, together with his team at IRAS. In doing so, he also collaborates with researchers from various institutions and disciplines, companies, social organizations and residents. In addition to his position at Utrecht University, Roel Vermeulen leads the Planetary Health Research Group at the Julius Center of UMC Utrecht, is scientific director of the i4PH of the EWUU Alliance, and of the Data and Knowledge Hub Healthy Urban Living (DKH-GSL), an independent and open platform of public and private organizations working together on healthy living.

We are proud and honoured to announce this news and congratulate Roel Vermeulen on this very prestigious position. More information on