Alliance Agenda 2021 – 2025
This Agenda sets out the course for the coming years but is also a living
document. At the end of 2021, the status of all projects will be evaluated, which may lead to adjustments to the plans. Over time an increasing number of staff and students will become involved in the alliance and contribute ideas. They too will contribute to shaping the alliance’s plans.

Roadmaps 2024 – 2027
The strategic focus for 2024 – 2027 is described in seven different roadmaps. Six roadmaps deal with the ambitions of EWUU within research and education. The seventh roadmap describes our overarching ambitions, as the ambitions of the alliance require the dedicated efforts of our whole organisation. We will consider how we can adapt our ways of working within each institution to make collaboration across institutions easier and more effective.
Roadmap Preventive Health 2024-2027 (pdf)
Roadmap Circular Society 2024-2027 (pdf)
Roadmap Unusual Collaborations 2024-2027 (pdf)
Roadmap Living Technologies 2024-2027 (pdf)
Roadmap Artificial Intelligence 2024-2027 (pdf)