Since the beginning of 2024 the structure of the EWUU Education team has been changing from project-based to a matrix structured organisation. Within this matrix we work on themes between the institutions and focus on embedding and aligning each of our institutions for further collaborations.

At the moment we focus on two broader themes: Transdisciplinary learning and Enabling Inter-Institutional Education, directed at innovations in transdisciplinary education, challenge-based learning and student mobility between our institutions. Dimitra Mousa is leading our first theme on Transdisciplinary learning, the second theme is interim lead by Janneke Hartemink.

The themes jointly operate with our partners in Preventive Health and Circular Society to establish EWUU Education Packages in the upcoming years.

To tackle barriers for cooperation within our institutes and to further align our organisations, we have appointed three institutional managers to aid these processes: Helen Michielsen (TU/e), Ulrike Wild (WUR) and Janneke Hartemink (UU/UMCU).

Earlier our Director of EWUU Education was announced Prof. dr. Ines Lopez Arteaga, who is now jointed by dr. ir. Fennie van Straalen as programme manager to co-lead the EWUU Education team.

Do not hesitate to contact us with ideas, opportunities or questions about transdisciplinary learning, challenges, or joint courses between our institutions.