Vening Meinszgebouw A, room 7.70, Science Park, Utrecht

Join the meeting with presentations of the (first) insights and the challenges from projects researching adaptive expertise (AE) development in higher education and discuss these with you and the AE wider community.

Understanding the principles of adaptive expertise is vital in significantly enhancing our teaching of problem-solving capabilities and guidance in professional growth.


  • 13:00 Opening and introduction keynote by Prof. dr. Jan van Tartwijk
  • 13:45 Presentations round 1. 15 min per presentation, 15 min discussions and questions
  • 14:45 Break
  • 15:15 Presentations round 2. (Length depending on the number of projects)
  • 16:15 Discussion: What are the general challenges of working with AE? And how do we overcome them?
  • 17:00 Drinks

If you want to join or if you want more information, please contact Jelle (jelle.deswart@wur.nl).

We hope to seeing you all at the meeting,

Yvette Baggen (WUR), Jelle de Swart (WUR), Frank van Rijnsoever (UU);

Organizing committee