You are invited to join us for our online Lunch & Learn Lecture. Are you a teacher, researcher, student or in any other way interested in our collaboration? Every month one of our programmes organizes a meeting about research and education of the EWUU alliance. The best part? You can join effortlessly from the comfort of your own space – simply tune in via Teams, grab your lunch, and immerse yourself in thought-provoking discussions.
This Lunch & Learn Lecture will be organized by EWUU Education and it will be about thematic course packages.
In the EWUU alliance we are working on these packages by building on existing course offerings within our institutions. The benefits for students are clear: a rich thematic course package offers structure in the wide variety of available courses. As well as a way to broaden and deepen their view with courses from the EWUU institutes. For teachers it offers a way to exchange expertise and potentially strengthen existing courses. For education programme coordinators it can enrich their programs by making better use of the complementary of the EWUU institutions.
Introduction and the future of EWUU Thematic course packages by Lianne de Jong, Theme lead Enabling inter-university education EWUU Alliance, Stijn Heukels (WUR) will focus on the Package development of: Sustainability Transitions in Past and Present and Gijs Elkhuizen (WUR) will focus on the Resilience Package.
Register for this Lunch and Learn meeting
After registration you will receive the link to the MS Teams-meeting