Vening Meineszgebouw C Princetonlaan 8 Utrecht Science Park

To speak clearly is an art.
And to get your message across to team members of different disciplines, even more so. How do you achieve your audience will get your message, in other words, how do you speak in a comprehensible way? Whether you look at the speeches of Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King, Brené Brown, Barack Obama; they all use the same techniques. During this online meetings you ‘ll learn how these techniques to create understanding work, and how you can use these to your advantage. Besides that, you’ll get to know the skills of rhetorics, charisma and non-verbal communication.

There are four online meetings of one hour. Please find the data and timeslots below.

If you would like to register for the morning slot please do so here: Morning slot registration

If you would like to register for the afternoon slot please do so here: Afternoon slot registration

Data and timeslots

There are four online meetings of one hour, either in the morning or the afternoon.

Morning slot (09:00 – 10:00) : Morning slot registration

  • Tuesday 23 November
  • Tuesday 30 November
  • Tuesday 7 December
  • Thursday 16 December

Afternoon slot (16:00 – 17:00) : Afternoon slot registration

  • Tuesday 23 November
  • Tuesday 30 November
  • Tuesday 7 December
  • Tuesday 14 December

This event is hosted by our Centre for Unusual Collaborations (CUCo). CUCo stimulates and facilitates unusual collaborations between young academics within the alliance.