Thank you for joining our conference Crossing boundaries for a healthy and sustainable future! See you in Utrecht on 24 April 2024. Please watch our registration and impressions of the day below.

The host of our conference is Simone Ritzer. Simone is a true connector between science and society, as coordinator of the Wageningen Dialogues programme at Wageningen University & Research. Our conference takes place on Wageningen Campus in Omnia.
12.30 – Registration & coffee
Walk-in with coffee, tea and a lunch snack. Pick up your badge and meet your colleagues of other institutions and associates and have a preview on different alliance projects presenting themselves at the project market.
13.30 – Welcome by Arthur Mol
Arthur Mol is Rector Magnificus of Wageningen University and Vice-President Executive Board of Wageningen University & Research.
13.35 – Keynote: A multifaceted approach to health
Health is not merely the absence of disease, but involves many aspects related to well-being, social justice, and sustainability. Marianne Geleijnse, Vice President of the Dutch Health Council, reflects on human health as a multidimensional concept. The way human health is addressed in research may have important implications for advice given by the Health Council, thereby impacting health policy. We are confronted with major public health challenges, including lifestyle-related diseases, pandemic threats and increasing healthcare costs. Marianne will reflect on these challenges and discuss the implications of a broader view on health, from the Health Council’s perspective.
13.50 – Panel discussion on preventive health
Marianne Geleijnse (Vice President Dutch Health Council and Professor at WUR), Roel Vermeulen (UU) and Martine van der Mast (EWUU) dive deeper into today’s major public health challenges and the role of science in health policy.
14.05 – Keynote: Towards a circular economy in 2050
The Netherlands has the ambition to achieve a fully circular economy by 2050. Marko Hekkert, Director of the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL), will reflect on the current state of affairs and take us through the issues that are constraining this ambition. What role can science play in speeding up the transition?
14.20 – Urban-Rural Circularity as key priority
The dependency between cities and their surrounding rural areas is often overlooked, but is crucial for a transition towards a circular society. Huub Rijnaarts (WUR) reflects on how smart circular innovations can promote urban-rural (social) cohesion and the regional economy, while lowering emissions and resource scarcity at the same time.
– – 14.30 – – Break – –
15.00 – 16.00 – Workshops
Our workshops offer you the opportunity to contribute your perspective and help form new cross-connections. Please choose the session of your preference and register.
16.05 – Panel discussion: Preparing students for the future
Society needs professionals who know how to address global complex and dynamic challenges. With challenge based learning students from different disciplines work together with social partners on actual problems from society. Ines Lopez Arteaga (TU/e) critically questions Perry den Brok (WUR), Cassandra Tho (WUR), Karin Rebel (UU) and Paola Huijding (Municipality of Almere) to share their perspectives on what research and every day practice teach us about this form of education.
16.15 – The potential of Living Technologies
With Living Technologies we aim to develop bio-based technologies by introducing new functionalities onto living cells. Diana Machado de Sousa (WUR) and Lukas Kapitein (UU) share their vision on how living technologies can be used to improve health of people and the environment.
16.25 – Let’s get unusual!
Corinne Lamain (WUR), Director of our Centre for Unusual Collaborations challenges the board of the alliance to take a stand on diabolical dilemmas.
16.45 – Drinks & connect
Join our drinks & bites and meet your colleagues of other institutions and associates. Visit our project market to learn more about alliance related projects.