Our daily activities, consumption and exploitation of natural resources are putting enormous stress on our planet and are unsustainable. The health and survival of humankind and the planet are inseparable. Planetary health aims to identify new pathways that will support the renewed relationship between humans and Earth’s natural systems – in a way that society can continue to responding to their needs without overburdening their environment and the Earth’s natural systems.
Students gained an in-depth understanding of the complexities and possible trade-offs necessary to build health systems supportive of both human and environmental health and respond effectively to climate change.

Practical information
This course was for Master’s students from TU/e, WUR, UU and UMC Utrecht (EWUU alliance). To follow this course students had to choose one package.
- All packages started on the 26th of February, 2024
Package 1: Full-time van 6-weeks (8 EC)
Package 2: Part-time van 6-weeks (5 EC)
- The course was in English
- Online and offline (hybrid)
Teaching methods
This course provided students with the opportunity to work on an interdisciplinary team to tackle real-world problems through challenge-based learning. In collaboration with external stakeholders, including clinicians. Additionally, students collaborated with international students to develop an infographic to present to the class. This assignment provided students with an excellent and essential opportunity for not only interdisciplinary but international and intercultural collaboration to dive into the complex and persistent issue of planetary health.
For more information or advise contact Julia Addison J.addison@umcutrecht.nl.