The Regenerative City Summer School

Regenerating Self, Society, and Place

How can we develop our cities and countryside to support all life? The course was held in the ecological corridor of Amsterdam Wester Scheg, which bridges urban life and countryside between Amsterdam and the North Sea. This location boasts a rich diversity of species and cultures, and it represents the last fertile soil of the city. Many significant challenges facing the city converge in this area, including food transition, soil degradation, and climate adaptation, among others. As the city densifies, data and distribution centers expand across the land, and families and farmers strive to make ends meet.

The Challenge

This course offered an approach to regenerative development, providing the tools and frameworks to navigate play-based work and offering a regenerative leadership approach for change. It explored regenerative practices for self, society, and place.

Participants worked with local stakeholders, experts, and the land itself. They explored its potential, and helped maintain, restore, and regenerate the community, local economy, and nature. Participants will camped on site.

This course was a deep dive into regenerative practice and leadership, with activities such as nature exploration, campfire discussions, and meaningful conversations along with many other activities. The course employed action research that treats the city as our curriculum, featuring learning journeys and meetings with key players. This programme was offered by the Honours College, EWUU Alliance, and Academy of Place.

Teaching Method

  • Participants took a leadership role in certain course activities. As a community of practice, we shared the learning space, and this participatory learning approach provided immediate experience in regenerative practice.
  • Our approach was rooted in hands-on, place-based, and project-based learning. We worked on places, projects, and initiatives brought in by the participants, allowing for the integration of theory and practice that resonated with their reality.

Practical Information

  • Started on Saturday 20th of July, 2024 until Friday 26th of July, 2024
  • For Master’s, PhD and Honours students from TU/e, WUR, UU and UMC Utrecht.
  • Third year Bachelor students could apply.
  • The language of instruction is English

More information: Summer School Utrecht


Dr. Thieu Besselink