
Are you a researcher, teacher, student who is interested in transdisciplinary collaborations? Every month the EWUU alliance organises a lecture about research and education of the alliance. May’s lecture is organised by the institute 4 a Circular Society (i4CS).

On Thursday May 23, 12.15 – 13.00hrs, the i4CS will host an online lunch & learn lecture themed “Co-Creation Living Labs for Circular Healthcare”, based around our research line Circular Safe Hospitals, and presented by Florijn Dekkers (UMC Utrecht).

Co-creation living labs form a crucial part of the transition towards circular and just healthcare systems. But what exactly is a ‘living lab’? What does a living lab for circular healthcare look like? What does participating in a living lab mean? And what needs are there for the future?

To answer these questions Redmar van Leeuwen (UMC Utrecht), a researcher of NHL Stenden and a master student (Erasmus MC) from the ESCH-R consortium will share their experiences. ESCH-R is a transdisciplinary project (including researchers from TU/e, WUR, UU and UMCU) funded by the Dutch Research Council as part of the Dutch Research Agenda to create a more sustainable healthcare sector.