
Utrecht Science Park

Utrecht Science Week

From 29 September 29 to 8 October, the third edition of the Utrecht Science Week will be hosted at Utrecht Science Park. EWUU will host a few sessions.

The Utrecht Science Week is for everyone interested in (applied) science in the field of sustainability and health. With connections to the future of rural and urban regions, to the world of arts, industry, nature, food production, pharmacy and data sciences.

2 October: Session Healthy and Sustainable food: envisioning future scenarios to drive change in society

Join our Institute for Preventive Health on 2 October 11 – 13 hrs for an inspiring session on creating a healthy and sustainable food system, and driving change in society. Our esteemed panelists, led by moderator Roel Vermeulen, will present future scenarios that envision a transformed world and provide strategies to bring it to life. Find more information on the session here

2 October: Workshop Recognising and Rewarding unusual inter-and transdisciplinary research

During this workshop on 2 October, 15 – 17 hrs, our Centre for Unusual Collaborations offers a contribution to the Recognition and Rewards debates, in order to better embed these elements in recognition and rewards for early and mid-career academics that dare to engage with the slow, but rewarding process of embarking on such a journey. Find more information on the session here

4 October: Circular Economy Festival

The Festival focuses on Circular Economy in the region, highlighting the role of Utrecht University in the field of Circular Economy together with campus partners such as the EWUU alliance, HU, RIVM, UMC Utrecht and TNO. An important role is reserved for regional cooperation. Our institute 4 a Circular Society has a prominent place at the festival and we invite you to join the discussion about transition to a circular society and to come meet our team! More information here: https://circularsociety.ewuu.nl/agenda/utrecht-science-week-circular-economy-festival/

5 October: Research Day UMC Utrecht

On Thursday, October 5, the Research Day will take place at UMC Utrecht. The entirety of this day is dedicated to research, shining a spotlight on researchers and the significance of research for both society and ourselves. The institute 4 Preventive Health and the institute 4 a Circular Society will host a college tour session together, revolving around the themes of transdisciplinary research, AI for preventive health, and sustainable science.

More information here: https://preventivehealth.ewuu.nl/agenda/utrecht-science-week-sustainable-science-how-do-we-make-impact/

Utrecht Science Week is realised in cooperation with a large number of partners that are involved in education, research and enterpreneurial work at Utrecht Science Park. During Utrecht Science Week, institutions, research centres and businesses present their research results to each other, and to a wider audience. This year’s theme is: Moving towards a healthy, sustainable society together.