
Students at TU/e, WUR, UU and UMC Utrecht can broaden their curriculum by taking courses outside the borders of their own institution. The platform EduXchange removes administrative barriers, allowing the students to enroll in a straightforward way within the EWUU alliance.

Enrolling with a click
Via the platform, students can browse and register for courses at other institutions and have their credits transferred to their own institution. This is the first step towards making it easier for students to compile their own curriculum over the boundaries of the institutions.

EduXchange improves the visibility of the courses for students of the other institutes. Students bring different expertise to the table, and look at courses with a fresh perspective. In addition, the platform offers the possibility of collaboration with colleagues from other institutions. This creates a new dynamic within education.

Open to all courses
EduXchange welcomes all courses offered by the partners. Special attention is given to courses that fit within the alliance strategic themes: Preventive Health, Circular Society, Artificial Intelligence for Health and Living Technologies.

Offer a course yourself?
Do you want to offer your course at EduXchange? Please contact Alexandra Zinovyeva (TU/e), Tessa Mobach (WUR), Myrthe van Sandwijk (UU), Gwenda Frederiks UMC Utrecht.

Questions? Please check our FAQ’s


Lianne de Jong